Does sitting too much increase the risk of death?
In recent years, concerns have been growing over the health risks linked to sitting for prolonged periods. A sedentary lifestyle has been associated with increased chances of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and other conditions. However, the question remains – can too much sitting actually increase your risk of earlier death? A new large-scale study sought to find the answer.
The research, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, followed over 8,000 adults aged 45 and older for four years. The participants wore accelerometers to objectively measure time they spent sitting and being physically active. Additionally, the researchers recorded demographic, health and lifestyle data including smoking status, alcohol intake, calorie consumption and more. Over the four years, around 340 participants died. After adjusting for confounding variables, the results proved illuminating.
Strikingly, the study discovered that greater sitting time correlated with higher mortality risk. Those sitting over 13 hours per day had around twice the risk of dying compared to people sitting under 11 hours daily. In fact, sitting time displayed a dose-response relationship with mortality. For every 30 minutes of additional sitting, all-cause mortality rose by about 2%. However, regular moderate-to-vigorous physical activity appeared to protect people. Those sitting long hours but also exercising showed lower death risk.
Therefore, what story does this new research tell? Firstly, it provides some of the most definitive evidence that prolonged sitting and sedentary behavior are indeed linked to increased likelihood of earlier death. The large sample size, adjusting for other lifestyle factors and objectively measuring sitting time via accelerometers strengthens the conclusions.
Additionally, the findings reveal there may be a “Goldilocks zone” for sitting time. Too much sitting boosts hazards, but some sitting throughout the day is normal and likely unavoidable for most desk jobs. The ideal range seems to be limiting excessive sitting and taking regular movement breaks, whether through exercise or general activity.
Furthermore, this adds to prior research on sitting and mortality. A 2018 study of nearly 8,000 adults over age 45 reached similar conclusions. Older studies have also connected excessive sitting with poorer health outcomes and chronic disease development. So although more research is still required, the existing evidence consistently indicates too much sitting raises risk of early death.
In conclusion, this new study provides perhaps the most hard evidence yet that, yes, excessive sitting does appear to increase your risk of dying prematurely. So next time you’re tempted to stay glued to your seat all day, remember this warning sign for your health. Make sure to take regular standing and activity breaks. Get your daily exercise. And avoid marathon sitting sessions as much as possible to promote longevity. Your body and lifespan will thank you!